Saturday, October 6, 2007

Busted Computer...

I'm so annoyed! My little darling, Hayden, yanked my laptop by the cord, while it was open, off the countertop and onto the floor. This is not very good for computers. Mine didn't like being treated this way and decided to go to sleep, permanently. We've been told she sustained permanent screen damage, and since it's a few years old, it's not really worth repairing because the cost of repair is equal to the value of the computer. We are trying to decide our next step. My hubby thinks he may be able to repair it himself for minimal cost (after his extensive computer repair education on Google). grrrrr. Thus, my recent poor blogging! I know, I know, you all can barely get through a day without my blog...but I'm sure you'll make it.

Right now, I'm trekking across town to my Mom's house to check email and read all of your blogs (yes, I'm addicted to all of you!) So, for now, I'll just be mostly lurking around your blogs and not posting very much.

Have a great Saturday!


Julie D. said...

we miss you!

Infarrantly Creative said...

I have missed you, I check your blog everyday.

~*Spindelicious Handspun*~ said...

dude that sucks!

Trish said...

Come back, you are missed!!