Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Life lessons at WalMart

I was doing my bible study today, and in it, the instructions were to sort of meditate on the thought that God's love for us is steadfast adn unconditional, even where our lives are not pleasing to him. It said to read Isaiah 54:10 which says,"Thought the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed." I was praying that God would help me wrap my brain around this concept...immediately, something that happened last night came back to me. It was sucha good picture to me of this, that I thought I'd share.

We went to WalMart last night to get the oil changed in our car. So, we were wandering the aisles of the store, waiting for our car to be done (side note: I believe this is why they offer such cheap oil changes! You are forced to wander thier store buying stuff you don't really intend to buy!)

Anyhow, Hayden was running around like a wild hyena...making LOUD car noises, running away from us...totally annoying, right? Finally, I grabbed him and knelt down to him. I said, "buddy, you have to stay close to me. When you run away, something bad can happen, a stranger could grab you and I'd never see you again! I want to keep you forever and ever!" He said, "you want to keep me?" Yes,I do!" I said. "I love you." "Oh." he said.

The truth is, I didn't love him any less in the moment, just because he wasn't "pleasing" me. the thought of him being lost to me is devastating! Isn't that just like God? He loves us even when we're not living to please him. In fact, his heart breaks at the thought of us being distant from him, which is what happens when we wander away from him (even if it's unintentional).

I forget on many occasions, what a treasure my kids are from the Lord. when I cant' get somthing the Lord is trying to teach me, I just have to look at my relationship with my boys for a perfect demonstration of God's love for me. I'm so glad (now) that happened last night. And, that God helped me rembember it today...


Shannon said...

Thanks for sharing that. What a great illustration.

Shannon said...

This is off topic, but do you have a race for the cure t-shirt for me?

~*Spindelicious Handspun*~ said...

I got sort of verklempt when I read this...