Thursday, May 22, 2008

bad blogger!

that's me. I have had a serious case of blogger block. I'm reading all of yours, but I just haven't been in the mood. My boys are on a happy streak (yay!) and we've had a week or so of great days...Today was my preschoolers last day of his first year of preschool! I can't believe it...

We are still waiting for my sweet neice to be born...she's officially late! Tried rubbing that mommies accupressure points, but nothin! We walked and walked at target yesterday...nothin. Tomorrow, we're off to Clackamas town wander the miles of mall and try to get something started...pray that sweet girl pops out soon!

My big boy asked me, "Mommy, when we go to the hospital, am I coming out of your tummy or is Jack?" Somehow...he's really got this having a baby thing confused!I told him that no one was coming out of my tummy, and certainly not either of them (thank goodness!). He is obsessed with babies, and going to the hospital to see babies...babies, babies, babies. He'll be so happy to see his cousin "Cheerios" (what he thinks her name should be) and HOLD her, he says. It will be fun!


Trish said...

Yay, I've missed you. Glad to hear a peep from you, and so happy to hear that all is well at your house. Don't you just love those happy streaks! I can't wait to meet 'cheerio' too! And I feel like a louse for not making it to her shower.........I opened the invitation and then it got buried on my counter o'junk and I just discovered it last weekend when I was finally cleaning up my pigsty. I was so mad at myself.
I owe her big time..........
good to hear from you again, and happy to see that you have your priorites straight and see that blogging really is not that big of a deal even though it is fun.
Love you!

Julie D. said...

i was just coming on here to see if there was any baby news! hope she comes soon!

Dee said...

Love that name! I should have named Autumn that, she is the Cheerio Princess!