So, yesterday was interesting. I went to a newer Goodwill store, where you literally buy clothes by the pound. I found some terrific kids stuff, after a TON of digging. You sift through these gigantic bins of clothing, no organization whatsoever. Mens, Womens, all styles, kids, babies, all mixed in gigantic bins. I found some terrific finds, and I walked out with 43 items for $31. That's pretty stinking good. I bought a bunch to bring home, wash, iron, and I'll try to resell them at a local resale shop. We'll see what happens, I'd be happy if I make back enough to pay for what I want to keep. It was fun! Kind of like a garage sale...
Then, I took my haul to my car, unlocked the trunk on my van and put in my goods. Then I closed it. With my purse, phone, and keys inside. It was still locked. It was hot, my kids, thankfully were standing outside the car still. My hubs is out of town for the rest of the week. Super! Just how I like to spend a hot afternoon! I called my mom, and she came to our rescue with a cool car and a phone and the yellow pages. $49.95 later....we were back in.
Then we went to my mom and dad's and picked these yummy cherries from the cherry tree in their back yard. It was fun! My boys ate more than they picked, which reminded me of when i was a little girl doing the same thing. This pic is of the fruits of our labor!
I also have some new designs in my etsy shop! I'm having so much fun making these, and hoping to sell enough to keep my habit go
Three Large initials, in copper and silver accented with a freshwater pearl (although, I like it without the pearl, too). Hand hammered to give a little more of a textured look. Each of these discs is about the size of a penny and they hang down about 2.5 inches down from the chain. So fun! I used my hubby, and my 2 kiddos names.
These are 3 silver pea sized initials in a row. Again, my hubby and kiddos are the initials.
I call these, Big Fat Initials. I love them! Again with the penny size discs and a large stamped initials.
Can't remember if I've posted these before...but I love love these little squares! they are little 1/2 inch squares with little names hand stamped into them, accented with the freshwater pearl. So pretty! Could also do any word or number, whatever!
have a great night! we're off to spend some time with friends for dinner (who are graciously rescuing us from our Hot Hot house!!