Friday, September 5, 2008

highlights of my day

I made smoothies for breakfast this morning. I really enjoy my smoothie in the morning. Today, I gave the boys theirs, and set mine aside while we made some yummy raspberry muffins. We made the muffins, although Jack couldn't reach to help us, so I gave him and empty bowl and wooden spoon to play with.

i took a little potty break, and when I came around the corner, I could hear this slurping someone slurping soup. And giggling.

I saw that my smoothie (strawberry) was in the bowl and the two trouble makers, were slurping MY SMOOTHIE out of the bowl. Oh well. I didn't look so appetizing now, smeared all over thier faces.

#2 Jack said "yuv you" aka LOVE YOU for the first time today! To me, on my way out the door...I said, I love you! and he just replied "yuv you!" Matt and I looked at eachother and I said...."He's never said that before!!" It made my day!

#3 I got 5 minutes to take a shower today. 4 of the 5 minutes, my darling little boys were zooming thier choo-choo's all over the glass of the shower door. Seriously...I only get ONE MINUTE of peace and quiet to my self? Really, I need more than that.

#4-I did get to go out with some really fun gals tonight for "Mom's Night Out"...that's always a good time and I think we had a record breaking turnout
! My friend has the blessing of having access to a fun condo down in the pearl district of portland, and apparently a big night in the city was appealing to some mommies! We had a great time...That gave me a little sanity break that I needed. Thanks ladies!


Lee Ann said...

I love the first "love you's" so sweet.

glad you had a good time last night and that there was such a great turn out!

Meredith said...

Your shower sounded like mine 2 days ago! Glad you got to get out last night and have some fun. Can't wait to hear about it!

meleea said...

yeah for highlights!! i love the love you from your son - so cute!

last night was a great turnout and it was cool to see new faces making connections!

Dee said...

Oh those cute, adorable boys! I can see them enjoying your smoothie! And melt my heart with the "love you". Hunter signs it, but hasn't said it verbally yet.