Dear Hayden,
I know I say this every year, but I can't believe you are 4 years old already. It seems like just last week that you came into our life. From the start you were such a sweet boy. You were such an easy baby, you fit right in to our life seamlessly. You were happy to be anywhere. You slept great, were always happy. The news that you were coming even came at the perfect time...Grammy was battling cancer, and we all really needed some hope and something to be joyful about...and ever since you've brough so much love and joy to our lives.
You are always full of smiles and have a wonderful sense of humor and love to tease. Your preschool teacher told me that at the end of the year, this year, that your sense of humor was great for a preschooler! You are always cracking us up! You are always laughing and play well with other kids.
I love that you want to snuggle with me before bed, EVERY night. I know that before long, you won't want that, so I savor it now.
You are a learner. You take in a ton of information, and I can watch your face and see that your thinking hard about what you're hearing. I think you're alot like your Daddy, like that. You observe before you jump into are careful and look out for others.
You are so full of love and are loved by many friends...we saw that today, with all of our wonderful friends and buddies who came to celebrate how special you are to us today.
My prayer is that you will grow into a boy and man, who keeps those same qualities that make you special. I know others will appreciate your sense of humor. I pray that your learning attitude and cautious observation will develop into good judgement and wise decisions. I hope that you always are comfortable being affectionate with us and others. All of these things make you so special to me.
We had a fun day today...started out with your first swimming lessons with your buddy Sam. You were mostly serious, and I could see that you were taking it all in. You did great and had so much fun jumping into the water with your teacher.
Then, we had the big party! We celebrated in "Camping" style...with a tent, campfire and all! We roasted s'mores and you played with your buddies in the backyard. You even got your Big Wheel that you have been wanting! You are so brave and fast on that thing, you surprise me! You and your cousin Sterling have so much fun playing together...Even when it's been awile since you've seen eachother, you always pick up right where you left off...laughing together and having a great time!
We love you so much, and are so thankful to the Lord for blessing us with such a special boy.
Love, Mommy and Daddy